What are you searching for?

"In some environments you find yourself in, instant pleasures are emphasized, and you may feel that if you don't participate, you will never truly have fun or that you will miss out on very big things." This kind of emphasis reminds me of the search for meaning.
The meaning is; those who connect to people, events, or environments can easily adapt and act without questioning because they believe that they can only be happy when they adapt to what is being done. When they are alone again, they may struggle with a deep unease and unhappiness and can get lost. And they start to repeat that action to capture the happiness of the moment again. Thus, it is thought that momentary happiness will become continuous. However, such things..."Happiness tied to a single action is usually not happiness, but addiction. True happiness comes from being able to see and experience it in every area of life."
"To avoid actions that will make you happy in the moment but will later make you sad or lost" "You may need to filter it through your own sieve first. Only when you think about what truly makes you happy and if what is believed to make you happy aligns with your own truth, can you take action, which will allow you to live life and moments more consciously."
Knowing what you are truly searching for and taking action accordingly, wherever and whenever it may be, brings along good feelings such as long-lasting happiness, peace, and calmness. You can realize what is good for you and what true meaning is for you by reflecting on it. You can start the thinking process by incorporating yoga and meditation into your life.
Nwith a wish for a life you can find in your search!
"We are always by your side as Team Birdiejay to support you and your journey."
With love,