How can we transition from an anxious mindset to a calm mindset?

"To transition from an anxious mindset to a calm mind, we first need to take a look at the worries that are spinning around in the back of our minds. Before accepting them as they are, do they really hold true? Are they actually your worries, or are they thoughts that have settled in your mind unnoticed by you, placed there by others? And why are they there? Reflecting on questions like these will be beneficial."
"Because most of the time we are preoccupied with worries that are far from reality. Some fixed thoughts, whose source we don't even know, tell us that we are constantly doing something wrong or make us feel inadequate. And the feeling that we cannot be without them or the uncertainty of what will happen if we let them go causes us to cling even tighter to these worries."
In other words, we are holding tightly to a branch to avoid falling, and we close our eyes so we don't see where we might fall and feel afraid, but when we open our eyes, we see that we are not on the edge of a cliff, but only 10 meters above the ground. When we let go of this branch, we will actually not fall, we will relax.
As we become more relaxed and free from worries, we will transition into a state of calm hope, becoming more efficient and starting to face life from a more productive place.

If you feel anxious in your mind, staying in your comfort zone and doing the things that make you feel best more often can help you overcome your worries. Finding what feels good for you and doing it more often can be something you don't know right now, so you might give meditation and yoga a chance. At the same time, it will be beneficial for you to say phrases like "I am safe", "everything is fine", "I am in the flow" during these practices. As you incorporate these practices into your life, you will feel their benefits more.
The interesting aspect of the process of transitioning from an anxious mind to a calm mind is that physical factors such as an uncomfortable skin and tight clothing have a significant impact on mental comfort and peace. In normal life, choosing comfortable clothes during yoga, meditation, or any other exercise process can help you distance yourself from worries and approach your thoughts with tranquility.
ANDAnother suggestion for your process of transitioning from anxiety to calmness is Lara Tuksal's book "Tut Elini". If you want to restructure your mind, you can take a look at this book.
"With the wish of a life where we start to manage our thoughts, not the other way around!"

"We are always by your side as Team Birdiejay to support you and your journey."
With love,