How can we show the courage to let go of the past, and how can we transition to the acceptance process?

"To show the courage to let go of the past and to move into the acceptance process, first of all" despite having lived in the past, still in our minds frequently "We need to take a look back at the recurring events. Because they actually show us that we are not accepting something within ourselves."

"Sometimes we do not realize that the events we experience deeply affect us. Even if a long time has passed, our mind can revive the situations we were affected by, drowning us in assumptions like 'what if it had been this way, I wish I had done it this way.'"
To give a concrete example, someone watching outside from a room in a house really wants to go outside because it is snowing and walking in the snow, spending time to the fullest looks very beautiful. However, doing these things is only possible by going outside, but the thing that keeps them trapped in that house, not opening the front door, is being a spectator and not taking action, remaining stuck in that room.
At the same time, getting stuck in the past, in unfulfilled assumptions and doubts causes us to feel sadness, regret, and anger, and as a result, we cannot move forward and we fall out of flow. However, trusting the entire process we are experiencing and being able to see the good in everything that is and isn't is in our hands. We can prevent our minds from taking us back by believing and accepting that we can direct what comes next to a better place thanks to what we have learned from our experiences. "So whenever we stop being stuck in that room and take action, that's when the key to the outer door finds us."
If you feel stuck, blocked, think:
"What are the things you insist on rejecting to accept as they are, which you actually cannot change?"

To transform your life and yourself into the best version of you, it is necessary to eliminate "what ifs" from your life and to trust in everything that is and isn't, surrendering to the flow. You can start by finding an answer to the question above, that is, by recognizing the negative things that have happened in the past and still linger in your mind. This way, you can allow new developments to occur and witness the change in your life.
The acceptance you show is the courage to leave the past behind. "Another suggestion for your process is to have a space where you feel comfortable and that belongs only to you. Establishing this space for yourself and spending time here will accelerate your process of making peace with yourself."
"Wishing you a life where you accept things as they are, love what you love, trust that the process always brings you the best, and stay in the flow!"
"We are always by your side as Team Birdiejay to support you and your journey."
With love,