Can you maintain the balance of give and take in your life?

When the balance of giving and receiving is disrupted, we can see this in many areas of our lives, but we feel it the most in the social or emotional relationships we establish. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to look at the balance of giving and receiving within ourselves from a more emotional perspective.
The balance we are talking about is love, there can be various feelings such as cooperation or respect. These feelings should not be one-sided, "The relationships we can establish, as much as we can give and receive, keep us balanced. Establishing open communication or being willing to do so greatly helps us maintain this balance."
You can understand whether you are maintaining this balance by looking at your happiness and peace in your daily relationships; if you are not balanced, you can try to change your behaviors by reminding yourself. "Adding awareness to maintain a balance between taking and giving in your New Year goals could be a nice idea. Remember, no matter which month it is when you are reading this, it’s never too late 🙂"
"The part that disrupts the balance of giving and receiving in your life is generally whether you are primarily in a giving energy or a receiving energy; it is beneficial to understand this first." After understanding this, you must take action.
AND"If you think that the energy of giving is dominant in you, for example, if asking for something from someone is difficult for you, you can start to step out of your comfort zone this week, even in a very small way, by realizing this and asking someone for something. It could even be asking a friend for water. You can gradually expand your requests."
"If you feel the energy of taking more strongly within yourself, you can try to do something for the people in front of you that you know they want, even if they don't ask for it; you can offer it."
"Wishing you a life where you maintain the balance of give and take in your life!"
"We are always by your side as Team Birdiejay to support you and your journey."
With love,