Are you aware of the toxic relationships in your life and can you free yourself from them?

Recognizing toxic relationships in our lives may not be as easy as we think and can say in a heartbeat. To be able to notice these relationships, we first need to look at our feelings. You may feel stuck or out of breath while the people in these relationships are in your life. You can examine where, with whom, and when these guiding feelings come to you. Once you manage to recognize these relationships and free yourself from them, it will become easier for you to move forward.
Looking back at 2021, I see that the most valuable thing I learned and was able to implement was to put an end to toxic relationships.
So, how are your relationships in life?

We know very well that the process of simplifying your social circle is one of the most challenging processes. However, we have no doubt that despite being difficult, it will evolve into a nourishing and subsequently progressive process. Our suggestion to make this process smoother could be to incorporate yoga and meditation into your life. Practicing yoga will help release pent-up and trapped emotions, providing you with relaxation, while meditation will facilitate the process of turning inward to realize where you are and what you want.
"Another suggestion we have could be to benefit from the experiences of people who have worked on this topic. It would be helpful to look at more content related to recognizing toxic relationships and removing them from one's life. At the same time, this topic is also the subject of the first episode of our podcast Birdietalks. If you want to listen to this episode with our founder Bilge Çavuş." You can reach 'Birdietalks' on both Spotify and Apple Podcast.
"Wishing to be in friendships where we always go towards better together!"
"We are always by your side as Team Birdiejay to support you and your journey."
With love,